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If you purchased property in Alberta in 2022 and 2023, title to the property may not yet be registered in the new owners’ names as the registration process at Land Titles is taking approximately 4 months to complete. This means that the various municipalities that issue property tax assessments and property tax notices may be sending the 2023 tax assessments and tax notices to the prior owners and not yourself if the registrations at Land Titles have not been completed.
Typically, municipalities send out the property tax assessment in either January or May of each calendar year. The owners have a right to review and appeal the assessment amount. If you do not agree with the assessment amount, there is both an informal process with the municipality to review and a formal reassessment process. For example, the customer review period in the City of Edmonton is January 16 to March 24, 2023. If you miss these deadlines, then you have no further right to review the assessment.
This is important to you as the “assessed value” is what will determine the amount of property
taxes you will pay when the Property Tax Notice is issued by the municipality (usually sent out
in late May or early June).
Here is information for some of the municipalities in the Edmonton Area:

Property Tax Contacts 2023:
City of Edmonton: Phone 311
Strathcona County: Email:
City of St. Albert: Phone: 780-459-1516 Email:
City of Leduc: Phone: 780-980-7105 Email:
Sturgeon County: Phone: 780-939-8360 Email:
If you have purchased property in 2022 or 2023 and have not received confirmation of the title
registration into your name and you are not sure if your information has been updated with the
municipality, you should contact your municipality to ensure you do not miss the review dates
or the payment due date for your 2023 property taxes.